The Centers of Concern
The Centers of Concern thoughout the Diocese of Birmingham provide direct aid to the poor. These centers are one of the most important ministries of outreach in our Diocese.
A majority of the people who are helped with food, clothing, utilities, and other services are not Catholic. It is our statement of faith… That all people are created by God and need to be granted their dignity. Especially for the poor. “The Lord hears the Cry of the Poor” - we are mandated then to assist all those in need.
This past year, through direct help from Catholic Charities of Birmingham over 42,658 people were assisted and Catholic Charities distributed over $912,955.00 to the Catholic Centers of Concern in Birmingham,
Huntsville, Gadsden, Anniston, Tuscaloosa, and the Guadalupan Missionary Center in Eutaw
(serving Greene and Sumter counties), helped people with food, housing services,
utilities, prescriptions, clothing needs and other basic needs.
A majority of the people who are helped with food, clothing, utilities, and other services are not Catholic. It is our statement of faith… That all people are created by God and need to be granted their dignity. Especially for the poor. “The Lord hears the Cry of the Poor” - we are mandated then to assist all those in need.
This past year, through direct help from Catholic Charities of Birmingham over 42,658 people were assisted and Catholic Charities distributed over $912,955.00 to the Catholic Centers of Concern in Birmingham,
Huntsville, Gadsden, Anniston, Tuscaloosa, and the Guadalupan Missionary Center in Eutaw
(serving Greene and Sumter counties), helped people with food, housing services,
utilities, prescriptions, clothing needs and other basic needs.