Funds received from the Catholic Charities & Communities Appeal assist more than 184,900 people in North Alabama in so many different ways. For example, the Catholic Centers of Concern, Catholic Family Services, Diocesan Campus Ministry Programs, Hispanic Ministry, Black Ministry, Religious Education, Nazareth House for persons having intellectual and developmental disabilities and Youth/Scouting Ministry all benefit from your generosity.
$2,000 Per Month / $24,000 Per Year $1,000 Per Month / $12,000 Per Year $ 500 Per Month / $6,000 Per Year $ 250 Per Month / $3,000 Per Year $ 100 Per Month / $1,200 Per Year $ 50 Per Month / $600 Per Year $ 25 Per Month / $300 Per Year
No Gift is too small, when it is given from the heart.
Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to [the] poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me'” (Mark 10:21).